Note: The selection process for this program for 2024 has ended.

The Dance Ambassador program is for price-sensitive dancers looking to become community leaders, teachers, and more. In exchange for a free Weekend Pass, these dancers will be tasked with helping to create a great sense of community, kindness, and inclusivity on and off the dance floor.

Why is CZC doing the program?

This program is being launched to help us cultivate a warm, welcoming, and inclusive event experience for as many people as possible while giving an opportunity for passionate community members to participate in CZC when they otherwise may not be able to afford it.

Who should apply?

We’re Looking For:

  • Dancers for whom the event ticket cost is a barrier to participation (*preferred but not required).
  • A track record in your community or other events of positivity, inclusivity, and a generous dance mindset.
  • A desire to grow your skills as a Zouk dancer, with an eye to future leadership in your community.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and a love of dancing with a wide variety of partners (skill, age, etc.)
  • Dancers at least at an improver/intermediate level in one role; preference given to dancers who can both lead and follow, with the weaker role being at least at an improver/late-beginner level.

This program is a great fit for people who love both workshops and social dancing and have enough energy to cultivate a positive experience for others as well as themselves.

It is not an ideal fit for dancers that are workshop-only or social-only dancers, or that need more space for being selective about dance partners and social connections.

What is involved?

You are expected to attend several hours of workshops and social dancing throughout the event, with the following responsibilities:

  • Role Balancing: You will be expected to dance in a minimum of two workshops per day suited to your skill level in whatever role is needed to balance the class.
  • Social Dancing: You will spend at least 2 hours each night between 11pm and 4am dancing with beginners, long-term beginners, and those that are struggling to get dances and feel included (2-3 songs per person).
  • Behaviour: You will model a healthy attitude towards rejection, dance management, consent, and inclusion throughout the event.
  • Check-Ins: You will be responsible to the program coordinators to provide feedback and engage with the responsibilities of the program.

While we use metrics to help quantify the role of ambassadors, the nature of the role is highly communicative and team-based. This is a serious commitment – and one we expect you to participate in and engage with regularly.

There may be times when you are “off shift”, but are asked to step up and be part of the team to help a dancer who is struggling. This is more than taxi dancing; it is community building.

How do I apply?

Fill out our application form. You will need references from people in your community who can verify your involvement and that you exhibit the generous dance mindset we are looking for.

How many people will be accepted into the program?

We will accept up to 20 participants. However, we would rather have a small-but-mighty team than a large one.

When will I know the results of my application?

Applications are assessed on a rolling basis, but the earlier you apply, the better your chances. The first round of acceptances will be prior to the group sales launch.

Or… Organize a Group